VGNPerception – A sensory experience game in the VGNP

Anabelle Grundmann

Most of our perception of the world is collected through our sight, leaving out the four other senses. This causes  us to perceive our surrounding unilateral. But sometimes it needs several sensory impression to form an honest and pure perception of our environment, but also one another. Many aspects of our personality can not be perceived visually, but needs deeper interaction with the opposite. 

Over the past decades our society is increasingly tending towards visual communication (tinder, advertising, video calls, e.t.c.). Since visual perception is leaving short term memory trace we  make presumptions about our surrounding and one another based on looks. But many aspects of human personality are not visible, or are being purposely hidden away from the outside.

To change out perception though a playful and interactive approach I created a sensory card game which can be played in the diverse area of the VGNP to inspire and  engage with our surrounding using all our senses and reduce visual presumption. 

The game can be played both by citizens of the VGNP to get a change of perspective or by tourists of the VGNP to experience the surrounding in a new way. 

“Our life takes place onscreen. Human experience is now more visual and visualised than every before. In this swirl of imagery seeing is much more than believing. It is not just a part of every day life, it is every day life.”


“The human senses are our contact to the environment. The human brain combines the influences of neurones of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching into a meaningful whole. We have five senses: the eyes to see, the tongue to taste, the nose to smell, the ears to hear and the skin to touch. By far the most active are our eyes. We perceive up to 80 per cent of all impressions by means of sight” 

(Joel Pearson, Vanderbilt department psychology)

“in the premodern west, smell was associated with essence and spiritual truth, while sight was often deemed a superficial sense, revealing only the exteriors” 

(Classen, 1993)