Each One Teach One

Cas van Son

Bringing people together is the main goal of Cas’ work, and his project ‘Each one Teach one’ is no exception. In Madrid, he tried to get an insight into local and collaborative learning. He asked himself the question: how do people learn from and to each other? EVA is a neighborhood house in Legazpi that came across as somewhat dull at first sight. But when he walked around, EVA turned out to be a place where ‘each one teach one’. Here people get inspired and create together in a spontaneous, fun and active way. And since Cas is a designer himself, he proposed to help improve or change the space if needed. Soon enough he found out that a designer doesn’t always have to offer solutions: gathering data and connecting the dots might be more helpful, especially when the research period is quite short. That’s why Cas created a tool. It can help creatives to find out what their role can be for a space under development. Cas himself wanted to help and surprise without dominating the process. He hopes to stimulate without alienating and change without interfering too much. This is a difficult position to be in, which asks for a lot of care. The project has helped Cas to develop his own research and design attitude.

Research File